About Your Dry Cleaning Experts

Wet cleaning is an aqueous cleaning system that has been developed jointly by Miele and us for outerwear that cannot be washed and for the care of sensitive textiles. This invention initiated by us was trendsetter for the professional textile care. We are proud that LANADOL is called the original of wet cleaning.

Wet cleaning has been established in textile care for more than 20 years now. It had been the issue of heated debates in the textile care trade: Some cleaners were dismissive of it as this system was regarded as being in competition to conventional solvent cleaning. This picture has changed considerably over the years.

Wet cleaning has proven its worth on the global market and turned out to be a blessing for the textile care industry.

Our LANADOL wet cleaning technology with the LANADOL products that have been developed especially for it ensures not only perfect safety for sensitive materials and sophisticated, elaborate clothing but also brilliant colours, aromatic freshness, skin-sympathetic grip and excellent cleaning results aswell as a reduction in costs.

Lower application quantities for water, energy and detergents, short batch times and lower purchase and maintenance costs make wet cleaning particularly economical.

Even under ecological aspects, wet cleaning offers only benefits. The LANADOL products meet the requirements for the „Blauer Engel“ (blue angel) environment award. Wet cleaning is therefore the most environment-friendly and health-caring alternative to cleaning in solvent and accounts for the increased environmental awareness of the environmentally aware customers for whom cleanliness is important.